блоцкцхаин технологија за дистрибуцију података користећи НФТ

WeTransfer has partnered with Минима to use its revolutionary blockchain technology, which protects the privacy of user data, за дистрибуцију НФТ. These Non-Fungible Tokens will be able to be created directly by users via smartphones or other devices. 

WeTransfer chooses Minima’s blockchain technology to distribute data using NFTs

Renowned digital content дељење платформа WeTransfer appears to have switched to NFTs in partnership with Minima, a blockchain technology that enables users to manage the digital rights of their intellectual property. 

Essentially, with this partnership, users can generate NFTs directly from their smartphones or other devices, having full control over how and with whom they share their digital assets and efficiently collect revenue. 

The Minima network is a cutting-edge blockchain technology with a global deployment that will be operational in 180 countries in March. Not only that, Minima aims to protect data privacy and put self-sovereignty at the center of everything. 

У том погледу, Hugo Feiler, CEO of Minima, said:

„Ми као партнерство радујемо се подршци развоју и убрзању креативности у дигиталном добу где појединци задржавају власништво и контролу над својим радом. Ово партнерство ће истражити практичну употребу НФТ технологије, нешто што интересује не само крипто индустрију, већ ће бити и тестни случај који ће показати потенцијал ширег усвајања овог иновативног дигиталног алата.

Minima is a mobile-first blockchain protocol

Минима has created a next-generation blockchain platform that is a fully decentralized mobile-first protocol for blockchain transactions. 

Its ultra-lean blockchain protocol allows each user to manage a complete build and validation node. By creating a network that is owned, managed and protected by its users, the platform allows the users themselves to be fully autonomous, while ensuring that they remain fully accountable.

The partnership with WeTransfer reflects the shared vision of both companies to seamlessly connect people and facilitate innovation and creativity without sacrificing privacy.

У том погледу, Damian Bradfield, Chief Creative Officer of WeTransfer, said:

„ВеТрансфер је одушевљен радом са Минима-ом, чија је визија у потпуности усклађена са нашом да неприметно повезујемо људе и олакшавамо иновације и креативност без жртвовања приватности.”

The latest news on NFTs

Према Извештаји, January 2023 was a really big month for Non-Fungible Tokens, which in addition to collaborations such as the present one between WeTransfer and Minima, also saw a 42% increase in sales compared to December

Among the most profitable blockchains are Ethereum with a sales volume of $784.87 million, followed by солана with $150.4 million and then Cardano, ImmutableX and Polygon. 

When talking about companies and the NFT sector, it is worth mentioning the ecommerce giant Ebay, which has posted a series of ads on LinkedIn looking for people interested in various positions that relate precisely to the NFT and Web3 space

When it comes to the most emerging NFT projects, it appears that RobotEra is the most promising one for 2023.

Basically, the platform is inviting players and investors into its attractive metaverse that offers several revenue opportunities, including NFTs. 

Source: https://en.cryptonomist.ch/2023/02/07/wetransfer-blockchain-technology-to-distribute-data-using-nft/