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A new project has been added to the Cardano ecosystem.

Charles Hoskinson has unveiled a new Cardano project, dubbed Midnight, a data protection-based blockchain designed for developers and humanity. Hoskinson made the project known at the ongoing Cardano IO ScotFest: The Age of Voltaire.

He also shared the development on his Twitter handle, saying:


Midnight is a data protection-based blockchain that helps safeguard sensitive personal and commercial data. The project will help protect the fundamental freedom of individuals, developers, and firms by safeguarding sensitive commercial and personal data.

“Midnight will enable developers to quickly build and deploy data protection-first DApps using many programming languages, starting with Typescript, whilst companies will be able to share mission-critical information without the fear of leaks or censorship,” information on the official Midnight website читати.

According to the IOHK, Midnight is currently being developed. The IOG said it would share more details about the project as its development progresses.

Once Midnight is officially rolled out for public use, people can safely leverage the network to share sensitive information when working in a connected world. 


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Source: https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/11/18/charles-hoskinson-unveils-new-data-protection-based-blockchain-on-cardano/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=charles-hoskinson-unveils-new-data-protection-based-blockchain-on-cardano