УСДД надогради у први децентрализовани стабилни колатерал са прекомерним обезбеђењем

Женева, Швајцарска, 5. јун 2022, Цхаинвире

TRON-based УСДД has joined the league of global crypto titans, surpassing several significant milestones in less than one month since its May 5 launch.

блоцкцхаин industry’s most distinctive trait is constantly evolving and transforming traditional sectors rapidly, bringing revolutionary technologies to the world and financial markets worldwide.

USDD has continued to build since its launch, solidifying organic growth, and aspiring to advance the Stablecoin 3.0 era to make finance accessible to all. With a total circulating supply of скоро КСНУМКС милион, УСДД заснован на ТРОН-у се недавно надоградио на први децентрализовани стабилни колатерал са прекомерним обезбеђењем (ОЦДС), нудећи брже трансакције са највећим колатералом широм света.

As one of the most secure decentralized stablecoins, USDD enjoys a guaranteed collateral ratio of at least 130%, higher than the 120% set by DAI, which is considered a paragon of the industry. The real-time collateral ratio of USDD is published on the TRON DAO Reserve’s , јавно доступан 24/7.

While allowing the TRON DAO Reserve members to continue minting USDD by burning TRX, the upgrade consolidates USDD’s stability and credibility by over-collateralizing assets under the ТРОН ДАО Ресерве (TDR). These reserve assets would include BTC, TRX, and multiple stablecoins like USDC, USDT, TUSD, and USDJ, at a ratio of 130% to back the issuance of USDD. In other words, every USDD is supported by at least $1.3 worth of BTC, TRX, stablecoins, and potentially other highly liquid assets.

The TRON DAO Reserve is currently holding 10,500 BTC, 240 million USDT, and 1.9 billion TRX in the reserve account, on top of the 8.29 billion TRX already in the burning contract. The real-time collateral ratio is now over 200% – a total $1.37 billion of assets backing the 667 million USDD in circulation.

“Spearheading the Stablecoin 3.0 era, the upgraded, over-collateralized USDD will add more diversified features to underpin its stability,” said H.E. Justin Sun, Founder of TRON. “The $10 billion reserves pledged by the TDR will enable USDD to become the most reliable decentralized stablecoin with the highest collateral ratio in blockchain history. Currently, the 200%+ collateral ratio offers USDD a very strong safety net.”

To power the over-collateralization of USDD, the TDR has greatly increased its reserves, including the highly liquid BTC, TRX, and USDT, to back USDD’s total supply. Users worldwide can access the information by querying on-chain contracts at any time, and the collateral ratio is transparently maintained.

Stablecoins are the faucet of the blockchain industry, and it’s critical to ensure their security, transparency, efficiency, affordability, and scale, all of which criteria make USDD a highly desirable option. This upgrade has strengthened USDD, adding an extra layer of security to the token’s stability and risk tolerance in a way similar to how Maker powers DAI.

ДАИ токен, који подржава Макер, један је од најстаријих и најотпорнијих стабилних кованица у дефи field. Its success is an excellent example of the decentralization of stablecoins. USDD runs on ТРОН, one of the largest stablecoin networks. Millions of TRON users, as well as those leveraging the БТТЦ cross-chain solution, are experiencing the complete decentralization of stablecoins, which in turn shows how blockchain technology practically reaches the masses.

До сада је УСДД кружио на ТРОН-у, Ethereum, and BNB Chain. It’s also embraced by numerous popular platforms, including СУН.ио, Унисвап, Замјена палачинки, Крива, Еллипсис, КиберСвап, Полоник, Хуоби Глобал, КуЦоин, Гате.ио, и Бибит. Industry leaders such as Аламеда Ресеарцх, Амбер Гроуп, Полоник, Анкр, Мирана, Мултицхаин, ФалцонКс, и ТПС Цапитал have already joined the TDR membership as a whitelisted institution, with more names soon to be announced.

In addition, behind the TRON blockchain, thrives a vibrant community led by the ТРОН ДАО, један од највећих ДАО-а на свету. As of June 2022, TRON has registered over 96 million user accounts, over $55 billion worth of assets stored on-chain, and an average daily transaction value of $10 billion across the network.

In the near future, the TRON-based USDD will quickly embrace additional ecosystems and major applications. USDD will lead the way into a new era for stablecoins as it grows in supply and user adoption, ushering in the next stage of decentralization across the blockchain industry worldwide.


ТРОН је посвећен убрзавању децентрализације интернета путем блоцкцхаин технологије и децентрализованих апликација (дАппс). Основан у септембру 2017. од стране Њ.Е. Јустина Суна, ТРОН мрежа је наставила да пружа импресивна достигнућа од покретања МаинНет-а у мају 2018. Јул 2018. је такође обележио екосистемску интеграцију БитТоррент-а, пионира у децентрализованим Веб3 услугама са преко 100 милиона активних корисника месечно. Тхе ТРОН мрежа стекао је невероватну снагу последњих година. Од јуна 2022. има преко 96 милиона укупних корисничких налога на блокчејну, више од 3.2 милијарде укупних трансакција и преко 12.3 милијарде долара укупне закључане вредности (ТВЛ), како је објављено на ТРОНСЦАН. In addition, TRON hosts the largest circulating supply of USD Tether stablecoin (USDT) across the globe, overtaking USDT on Ethereum since April 2021. TRON is also currently the third largest blockchain hosting the USD Coin (USDC) created by Circle. The TRON network completed full decentralization in December 2021 and is now a community-governed DAO. Most recently, the over-collateralized decentralized stablecoin USDD was launched on the TRON blockchain, backed by the first-ever crypto reserve for the blockchain industry, the ТРОН ДАО Ресерве, означавајући званични улазак ТРОН-а у децентрализоване стабилне коине.

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Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/usdd-upgrades-into-the-first-over-collateralized-decentralized-stablecoin/