Аустралија ће регулисати пружаоце крипто услуга до почетка 2023

Australia will put a comprehensive framework together in early 2023 in which rules will be established for regulating crypto service providers.

The Australian government is expected to regulate crypto service providers, in an effort to provide stronger protection for digital currency users. This regulation will encompass a range of activities, from the registration and licensing of crypto service providers to the implementation of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing measures. 

According to MP Stephen Jones, Minister for Financial Services, in a joint media release, the preparation for regulation will be along the following lines:

„Следећи кораци у Владином текућем раду на 'мапирању токена' ће укључивати објављивање консултативног документа почетком 2023. који ће информисати која дигитална средства треба да буду регулисана законима о финансијским услугама, као и развој одговарајућих поставки за чување и лиценцирање како би се заштитили потрошачи. ”

The new regulations should ensure that customers are properly protected when using cryptocurrency services within Australia. The regulations are intended to promote customer safety by requiring crypto service providers, such as exchanges and wallets, to obtain licences in order to operate in the country. 

The move reflects a growing trend among governments worldwide of placing greater oversight on the cryptocurrency industry. It also gives greater legitimacy and trustworthiness for Australian businesses dealing with digital currencies by making them subject to transparent regulatory oversight. 

The proposed regulatory changes will not be imposed straight away, and a consultation will go out in early 2023 in order to take the views of all stakeholders first.

Изјава о одрицању одговорности: Овај чланак је представљен само у информативне сврхе. Није понуђен нити намерава да се користи као правни, порески, инвестициони, финансијски или други савет.

Source: https://cryptodaily.co.uk/2022/12/australia-to-regulate-crypto-service-providers-by-early-2023