Битгет се интегрише са ТрадингВиев за трговање крипто дериватима

Вицториа, Сејшели

Битгет, a leading crypto derivatives exchange and copy trading platform, has announced direct integration with TradingView, a charting and trading platform used by millions of traders worldwide.

The given addition will further expand the usability of Bitget’s service, offering users the chance to trade crypto without leaving the TradingView interface and make more informed and professional decisions, while enjoying the top-notch protection and security of Bitget.

TradingView is a charting and trading platform. It not only enables users to perform technical and fundamental analysis using comprehensible instruments but also to communicate via the largest social platform for investors.

With the TradingView integration, Bitget’s users can now access a variety of advanced analysis instruments, including charting tools, real-time market data and technical indicators, and learn new strategies tested by millions of active traders from its thriving, globe-spanning community.

More importantly, connection to TradingView will offer Bitget’s users flexibility to trade perpetual futures directly from TradingView’s interface and leverage tools for greater convenience and on-the-go accessibility.

The trading process will thus be more streamlined and risks will be mitigated largely thanks to the availability of quick access to up-to-date market information and community assistance.

About the partnership, Gracy Chen, managing director of Bitget, said,

“Bitget is proud to be chosen for this integration among a select few players in the industry. We anticipate improved user experience and deeper insights from this partnership. At Bitget, promoting crypto adoption through partnerships with reputable entities has always been a key focus.

“We’re pleased to collaborate with TradingView a leading global financial platform to integrate our offerings into the advanced and booming ecosystem. This integration will grant millions of users access to Bitget’s services using their TradingView accounts, making it easier for more traders to transition to the Web 3.0 world.”

Bitget has recently made it to the top three crypto derivatives trading exchanges in 2022 in terms of trading volumes.

The integration with TradingView comes shortly after copy trading in the spot market was included in the lineup of Bitget services, allowing users of the exchange to trade both futures and spot market assets with investing skills of professional traders.

О Битгету

Битгет, основана 2018. године, водећа је светска берза криптовалута са иновативним производима и услугама друштвеног трговања као кључним карактеристикама, која тренутно опслужује преко осам милиона корисника у више од 100 земаља широм света.

The exchange is committed to providing a secure, one-stop trading solution to users and aims to increase crypto adoption through collaborations with credible partners, including legendary Argentinian footballer Lionel Messi, the Italian leading football team Juventus and official esports events organizer PGL.

О ТрадингВиев-у

TradingView is one of the world’s leading charting and trading platforms, offering an array of technical, drawing and analytical tools.

Supercharged by robust technologies across browser, desktop and mobile apps, the platform provides access to live data, the latest news, financial reports and integrations with selected brokers.

After a decade of constant growth, the TradingView community is visited by over 30 million monthly users who chart, chat and trade markets in one place.

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Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2023/03/06/bitget-integrates-with-tradingview-for-crypto-derivatives-trading/