Глобална продаја НФТ експлодирала у последњих 30 дана упркос корекцији на крипто тржиштима

Global sales volume of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) is hitting new all-time highs despite the crypto market’s latest sell-off.

According to NFT data aggregating site CryptoSlam, global sales of NFTs are breaking previous records with $8.6 billion worth of sales in January, shattering the previous high of $4.5 billion set in August.

New data from blockchain research platform Dune Analytics reveals that leading NFT marketplace OpenSea has also broken transaction records as well.

The data shows that OpenSea has so far sold about $4.74 billion worth of NFTs this month, already surpassing the previous sales record of $3.42 billion set in August. The number of monthly active traders on the platform also increased from 362,679 in December to 454,417 in January.

CryptoSlam also finds that Ethereum-based pixelated 3D avatar collection Meebits made the highest sales in the last 30 days coming in at $3.3 billion, up a staggering 34,856% over the same timeframe. It is followed by land art collection Terraforms, which made $2.02 billion and community-owned gaming platform Loot, which sold $731 million worth of NFTs.

Other top performing NFT-based crypto projects include Bored Ape Yacht Club ($243.99 million), Mutant Ape Yacht Club ($243/05 million), Axie Infinity ($155 million), and Doodles ($115 million).

The NFT space’s record-high sales volume comes amidst a massive dip in the crypto market that saw top digital asset Bitcoin (BTC) plunge below $35,000, nearly half of its all-time high.

BTC is exchanging hands at $35,372 at time of writing.

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Featured Image: Shutterstock/Ol41ka/Andy Chipus/Vladimir Sazonov

Source: https://dailyhodl.com/2022/01/24/global-nft-sales-explode-in-last-30-days-despite-correction-across-crypto-markets/