Цхаинлинк пада јер није у стању да одржи цену изнад 7.50 долара

29. јануар 2023. у 11:35 // Cena

The uptrend is currently rejected at the recent high

Chainlink (LINK) is in an uptrend after reaching a high of $7.50 on January 27. The uptrend is currently rejected at the recent high.

Дугорочна анализа цене ланчаника: биковска 

At the recent high, the altcoin is rejected for the second time. Buyers were unable to sustain the bullish momentum above the $7.50 resistance level. The altcoin fell well below the moving average lines on the first rejection, reaching a low of $5.50. If buyers fail to keep the price above the barrier today, the altcoin will fall to its previous low. In contrast, the altcoin will rise to a high of $9.00 if the current resistance is broken. At the time of writing, the altcoin was trading at $7.24.

Приказ индикатора ланчане везе

At a level of 65 on the Relative Strength Index for the 14 period, LINK is in the positive trend zone. After the retracement, the moving average lines are below the price bars. If the price stays above the moving average lines, the altcoin will rise. Below level 80 of the daily stochastic, Chainlink experiences bearish momentum. Above the $7.00 support, the downward momentum has subsided.

ЛИНКУСД (Дневни графикон) - Јануар 28.23.јпг

Технички индикатори:

Кључни нивои отпора - 30 и 35 долара

Важни нивои подршке – 10 и 5 долара

Који је следећи потез за Цхаинлинк?

Since Chainlink retested the $7.50 resistance level, it is now in the positive trend zone. The RSI is in the rising zone, which indicates that the cryptocurrency value will rise. The price of the cryptocurrency is moving back above the moving average lines. The uptrend will continue if the price finds support above the moving average lines.

LINKUSD(4 Hour Chart) - January 28.23.jpg

Одрицање од одговорности. Ова анализа и прогноза су лично мишљење аутора и нису препорука за куповину или продају криптовалуте и не треба их посматрати као подршку Цоин Идола. Читаоци би требало да сами истраже пре него што инвестирају у фондове.

Source: https://coinidol.com/chainlink-unable-maintain-price/