Гала (ГАЛА) игре се повезују са Цоинбасе новчаником, Акие Инфинити (АКСС) доживљава повећање активности корисника, док Орбеон протокол (ОРБН) показује раст од 987%

Место/Датум: – 25. јануар 2023. у 5:16 УТЦ · 4 мин читања
Извор: Орбеон протокол

Gala (GALA) Games Connects with Coinbase Wallet, Axie Infinity (AXS) Experiences a Hike in User Activity, while Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) Flaunts 987% Growth

A few cryptocurrencies recently gained momentum, and gathered the interest of investors. Among them, the current trends are focused on the increasing popularity of Gala (GALA), Axie Infinity (AXS), and Orbeon Protocol (ORBN). So, let us learn more about each of these tokens.

Gala (GALA) Links Up with Coinbase Wallet, Offering a Token Price of $0.046

The Gala (GALA) ecosystem is accessible through the Coinbase platform, which is the biggest crypto exchange in the US. Gala (GALA) launched its game, Spider Tanks, which is a player (PvP) esports brawler vs. Web 3.0 player game. The Spider Tanks by Gala (GALA) was live on the Coinbase wallet last month between 17-22 December. Coinbase wallet offered Gala (GALA) players lucrative rewards for winning.

Gala (GALA) provides a Free-To-Play game, and incorporates several Play-To-Earn mechanics. Gala (GALA) offers skill-based contests and an opportunity for players to gain real rewards.

Additionally, Gala (GALA) players can create their tanks, and use them to battle with other players. Though the gaming ecosystem by Gala (GALA) is engaging, it hasn’t impacted the token’s prive much. Currently, Gala (GALA) is 7.20% down and is trending at a live price of $0.046.

Axie Infinity (AXS) Sees a Retrieved User Activity, Yet the Price is 2.15% Down

Last year, the crypto sector faced a downturn due to harsh market movements.

Axie Infinity (AXS) lost a significant number of active users on the platform. The Play-To-Earn gaming ecosystem continued to suffer from multiple losses.

However, with the start of 2023, Axie Infinity’s (AXS) community saw a reemergence of user activity across the platform. Users have shown interest in the NFT trading and gaming vertical of the Axie Infinity (AXS) ecosystem. Additionally, there was also a steady increase in the sales volume of the project. A 214% rise in Axie Infinity (AXS) token sales were recorded in the past week.

Axie Infinity (AXS) tracked an increased number of active wallets. Moreover, the daily transactions count on the platform saw a rise of 105% in the first week of 2023.

However, the most recent Axie Infinity (AXS) price data shows a price drop of 5.10% in the past 24 hours. The price fluctuations have caused investors to be extra careful while investing in the Axie Infinity (AXS) project. Overall, the project has shown good progress, and may become a decent investment option. The live price of Axie Infinity (AXS) is $8.81.

Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) Fetches Unstoppable Presale Gains

Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) has been a hot topic among crypto enthusiasts since its inception. The project has been in the headlines for days due to its immense growth during presale phases. Recent reports suggest Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) has earned 1400% price gains to date following a sold out third presale stage, culminating in a brand new fourth stage..

Experts suggest that such a huge growth is no surprise for Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) as it addresses the pain points of the venture capital industry. Most people aren’t able to participate in prominent investments due to high entry barriers. But, Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) allows them to start investing with just $1.

The project aims to build a decentralized platform where businesses can raise funds in a short time. Thus, Orbeon Protocol (ORBN) allows businesses to mint their NFTs against physical assets. The platform fractionalizes these NFT assets, and makes them available for investors from all financial backgrounds. Interested investors buy fractionalized NFTs through Orbeon Protocol’s (ORBN) trading network. Thus, any business funding requirements quickly get fulfilled on Orbeon Protocol’s (ORBN) platform.

The native ORBN token offers benefits like staking, governance rights and early access to funding rounds, and its live presale price is $0.06. Analysts forecast that this price  may surge by up to $0.24 by the time ORBN hits exchanges, representing a price increase of over 6000% from the initial price of $0.004.

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Source: https://www.coinspeaker.com/gala-gala-games-connects-with-coinbase-wallet-axie-infinity-axs-experiences-a-hike-in-user-activity-while-orbeon-protocol-orbn-flaunts-987-growth/