Попусти Хуоби Глобал Оффер Макер Провизије за све УСДТ-М будуће трговце

Huobi Global, one of the world’s leading digital asset exchanges, announced the launch of a trading fee rebate campaign for USDT-margined futures, becoming the first cryptocurrency exchange to offer maker fee rebates (as high as 0.015%) for all users.

The platform also offers amongst the lowest taker fees in the market: even normal users can receive 0.02% taker fees for trading USDT-margined futures.

Commonplace amongst digital asset trading platforms, the maker and taker model is a method to separate orders that provide liquidity (maker orders) and those that take liquidity (taker orders).

In contrast to a taker order, which gets the fee when the order is matched instantly against an order already on the order book, a maker order gets the fee when the order is placed in the order book and is waiting for others to match with it.

This particular campaign is unique in that it incentivizes all individual users who trade as a maker by offering them an additional 0.015% of their USDT-margined futures trading volumes.

USDT-margined futures play a vital role as derivatives by enabling investors to hedge a position, speculate on an underlying asset, or leverage their positions.

With stablecoin USDT as the margin asset, users can trade multiple contracts without needing to purchase various assets. When people trade USDT-margined futures, the profits are calculated in USDT, making it easier for investors to benchmark and calculate profits.

In addition to the high maker fee rebate, Huobi’s USDT-margined futures also offer fees as low as 0.02% for all users who trade as a taker. Typically, only the highest level of VIP or market makers can enjoy this benefit on competing platforms. 

„Надамо се да чак и корисници са ограниченим капиталом могу имати користи од нашег екосистема, и зато покрећемо ову кампању. Поред тога што помажемо корисницима да уштеде на трошковима трговања, имамо и софистициране системе контроле ризика који помажу у процени ризика и штите их од неочекиване ликвидације када заузму позиције са левериџом“, рекао је Џеф Меи, директор Глобалне стратегије. 

From January 31, 2022 to February 28, 2022 users will be able to trade and earn extra income on Huobi Futures. For more details, click here.

О Хуоби групи

Huobi Group, a world-leading blockchain company, was founded in 2013 to make breakthroughs in core blockchain technology and further the integration of blockchain technology with other industries.

Хуоби Група је проширила своје производе и услуге на јавне блокове, трговину дигиталном имовином, новчанике, рударске пулове, власничке инвестиције, инкубацију пројеката, истраживање дигиталне имовине и још много тога.

Huobi Group has established a global digital ecosystem by investing in over 60 upstream and downstream companies across the blockchain industry.

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Source: https://beincrypto.com/huobi-global-offer-maker-fee-rebates-for-all-usdt-m-futures-traders/