Ниннеко је званично покренуо турнир у сезони 3 Арена

The 3rd Arena season has officially returned with vehement matches with a total prize value of up to $40,000.

The Arena of Ninneko is one of the most engaging and competitive Arena of the current GameFi titles on the тржиште. With diverse gameplay, Ninneko’s Arena is sure to attract players from the first battles.

Arena season 3 starts from June 1 to June 15

Season 3 of Ninneko’s Arena starts from June 1 to June 15 with extremely fierce 1:1 PK matches. At the end of the tournament, the organizers will choose the TOP 300 best players and give them valuable gifts.

With each rank, the reward will also gradually increase to 240 MATA for the Diamond rank. The higher the rank, the greater the reward. In addition, coming to this TOP racing event, gamers will receive valuable rewards such as NINO, cotton box, saphire box. And especially TOP 3 Arena will immediately receive the “rare and hard to find” Whitelist NFT Land.

136000 NINO + 1 whitelist land + 3 cotton box
230000 NINO + 1 whitelist land + 2 cotton box
325000 NINO + 1 whitelist land + 1 cotton box
421000 NINO + 1 cotton box
516000 NINO + 1 saphire box
6-1012000 НИНО
11-508400 НИНО
51-1005000 НИНО
101-3003600 НИНО

What is the NFT lands whitelist?

Вхителист NFT Land is one of the biggest favors that Ninneko gives to their gamers in this Arena season. In the near future, Ninneko will launch NFT Land, with this NFT Land Whitelist, players have a golden opportunity to buy Land without competition. It is known that Land is open for sale in limited quantities, but profits are limitless.

Arena is one of the most valuable features of Ninneko

During the last two seasons of Arena, Ninneko has seen the excitement of the community when thousands of gamers have participated. The increasingly fierce competition has brought thrilling seasons among Ninneko’s talented gamers.

Coming to Arena season 3, Ninneko looks forward to thrilling and dramatic matches. Along with the latest updates of Ninneko, Arena season 3 promises to have unexpected and unpredictable developments.

With this series of events, Ninneko definitely brings excitement to the NFT market, which has been very gloomy in recent times, as well as once again showing the professionalism and dedication of the project team when continuously releasing high-quality updates to attract and retain players. Season 3 Arena Ninneko has been started, what are you waiting for!

О Ниннеко

Ниннеко is a p2e game featuring NFT characters in forests and mystery villages. The NFT characters (cats) have a unique combination of hair, tail, ears, eyes, mouth, and hands. The BSC-based role-playing game involves nurturing the cat character Ninneko and fighting enemies in the player versus player or player versus enemy battles. The platform also features a high utility token for using various features in the game. Ninneko stands out from regular Idle games with its Breeding system, where players can enjoy the game using diverse characters.

Join Ninneko here!

Дисцлаимер: Мишљење изражено у овој табели искључиво је ауторско. То се не тумачи као инвестициони савет. НевсЦрипто тим подстиче све да ураде сопствено истраживање пре улагања.

Source: https://thenewscrypto.com/ninneko-officially-launched-the-arena-season-3-tournament/