Платформа за природни раст токена унутар Телеграма Поверед би АИ

03. фебруар 2023. у 12:43 // Вести

Playground for token market investing

Playground for Token Investment: United Telegram Bot

UTB.ai was created by a team of experts in the field of AI and digital marketing. The platform is designed to help businesses of all sizes and industries make the most of their advertising budgets Inside the
Telegram AI Bot by identifying the best performing campaigns and channels, as well as identifying areas for improvement.



Due to natural growth and marketing campaigns, we are gaining thousands of new users daily. Many of them engage more deeply with our app, using it as a wallet and investment tool. This causes the Token’s market cap to increase, resulting in a rise in its price. We don’t just redistribute this profit among community members. Instead, we divide it into small, daily portions based on a pre-calculated monthly income. And this is where the Algorithm comes into play.


According to statistics and facts, Telegram has become one of the most prominent and widely adopted apps in the world. It reached 700 million active users this year and has solidified its position as one of the top 5 most downloaded mobile apps. Telegram offers more than just a messaging service, it also provides a semi-decentralized and well-protected platform for automated tools of any complexity level. This is where the exciting part begins.


As long as something continues to grow, there is an opportunity to profit from it. But how can we monetize traffic that we do not own? The answer is simple – we need to offer something valuable. This is how we can attract our own audience within Telegram. Introducing our brand new tool – UTB.


It is an instant and fully automated currency app inside of a Telegram Bot. It works pretty much the same as any other wallet out there, offering deposit, withdrawal, and converting without any cost. The key difference is that the balance is constantly growing on top of your funds. How is this possible? This is where The Token comes into play.

“Playground for Token Market Cap Optimization:
United Telegram Bot"


Blockchain and cryptography have revealed a whole new world of decentralized finances. But it’s still has a high entry threshold and bottlenecks, stoping it from mass adoption.
УТБ goal is to remove those bottlenecks and provide users with a simple and elegant way to access dApps. We aim to combine the power of DeFi with cutting-edge AI technology to create a complete and self-sufficient tool that will elevate the community to new heights.

United Telegram Bot

Бели папир 

Изјава о одрицању одговорности. Овај чланак плаћа и пружа извор треће стране и ЦоинИдол не би требало да га посматра као одобрење. Читатељи треба да ураде сопствена истраживања пре него што уложе средства у било коју компанију. ЦоинИдол неће бити одговоран или директно или индиректно одговоран за било какву штету или губитак проузрокован или наводно проузрокован или повезан са употребом или ослањањем на било који такав садржај, робу или услуге поменуте у овом чланку. 

Source: https://coinidol.com/united-telegram-bot/