Предвиђање цене Риппле за данас, 25. јун: КСРП пада испод 0.37 долара

Предвиђање цене Риппле-а показује да је КСРП пао за 1.96% у последњих неколико сати пошто тренутна тржишна вредност иде испод 0.37 долара.

Статистички подаци предвиђања таласа:

  • Риппле цена сада – 0.35 долара
  • Риппле тржишна капитализација – 17.3 милијарди долара
  • Риппле циркулирајућа понуда – 48.34 милијарде
  • Укупна понуда Рипплеа – 99.89 милијарди
  • Риппле Цоинмаркетцап ранг – #6

КСРП / УСД тржиште

Нивои кључева:

Нивои отпора: 0.50, 0.55, 0.60 и XNUMX долара

Нивои подршке: 0.25 УСД, 0.15 УСД, 0.10 УСД

КСРП / УСД touches the daily high at $0.37 before giving a bearish signal at the time of writing, the coin is trading above the 9-day and 21-day moving averages as the Relative Strength Index (14) crosses below the 50-level. However, any bearish move below this level could give the market enough strength to dig dip, but moving towards the upper boundary of the channel might lead the market to the upside.

Ripple Price Prediction: XRP/USD Ready for More Upside

Риппле прице is showing a sign of weakness across its markets as the coin is down by 1.96%, reflecting a price drop in the market, and the fall might become heavy if the bearish action continues. Therefore, since the Ripple price is moving sideways, traders can expect the trend to keep moving lower if the price action crosses below the 9-day and 21-day moving averages.

Пунт Црипто Цасино Банер

Meanwhile, a break towards the upper boundary of the channel could strengthen the bulls and could push the price to the resistance levels of $0.50, $0.55, and $0.60, but a breakdown below the moving averages may lead the market to a bearish scenario where the price could reach the supports at $0.25, $0.20, and $0.15.

When compared with Bitcoin, the Ripple price is falling towards the 9-day moving average. Therefore, if the bears pressurized the market, XRP/BTC may create another low by touching the nearest support at 1600 SAT. Now, the technical indicator Relative Strength Index (14) moves within the overbought region; traders may see a negative move within the channel if the bearish pressure increases.

КСРПБТЦ - Дневни графикон

However, the Ripple (XRP) is changing at 1701 SAT. If the coin drops below the current value, the market may hit the support at 1500 SAT and below. Nevertheless, if the Ripple price moves and crosses above the upper boundary of the channel; traders can then confirm a bull run for the market, and the nearest resistance level is located at 2000 SAT and above.

еТоро – Наша препоручена платформа за трговање

размена еТоро
  • ЦиСЕЦ, ФЦА & АСИЦ регулисани – поверење милиона корисника
  • Тргујте криптовалутама, Форек-ом, робом, акцијама, Форек-ом, ЕТФ-овима
  • Бесплатни демо рачун
  • Депозит путем дебитне или кредитне картице, банковне дознаке, Паипал, Скрилл, Нетеллер
  • Цопитраде победнички трговци – 83.7% просечног годишњег профита

размена еТоро

68% рачуна малих инвеститора губи новац када тргује ЦФД-овима са овим добављачем.


Source: https://insidebitcoins.com/news/ripple-price-prediction-for-today-june-25-xrp-drops-below-0-37