Топ 5 Метаверсе токена на које треба пазити ове недеље

In the world of digital assets, метаверзум tokens are expected to take the lead. Metaverse tokens are a form of money used to conduct transactions in the metaverse. While some metaverse tokens can only be used in the metaverse, others are also traded on exchanges like WarziX, Coinbase, and Binance.

Particularly, strategists are very enthusiastic about metaverse tokens. Users were assured by Bank of America strategist Haim Israel that metaverse tokens represent “a massive, massive opportunity.”

Here are the top 5 Metaverse tokens to watch out for this week


Since APE is an ЕРЦ-20 токен, it is accessible on the Ethereum network. As a utility and governance token, it enables owners to take part in the management of the Ape ecosystem and gain access to games and other goods and services that are only available to owners of apecoins.

Metaverse tokens: Apecoin
Извор: Цоинмаркетцап

АпеЦоин цена у време писања је 6.24 долара, са тржишном капитализацијом од 2.2 милијарде долара и 24-часовним обимом трговања смањеним за 17%. Сада износи 226.7 милиона долара. У исто време, оптицај залихе је приближно 368,593,750 АПЕ према ЦоинМаркетЦап пратиоцу крипто тржишта.


Добро познат цриптоцурренци metaverse project that frequently makes headlines is called Децентралан. This was partially caused by the NFT craze, which also gave MANA, the platform’s native token, enormous gains. The platform was soon used by many NFT owners to display their НФТ.

Извор: Цоинмаркетцап

Decentraland price at the time of writing is $0.7127, with a market capitalization of $ 1.3 B and a 24-hour trading volume up by 43.9%. Now it stands at $216 million. At the same time, the circulating supply is approximately 1,855,084,192 MANA as per the crypto market tracker CoinMarketCap.

Такође читајте: Decentraland vs The Sandbox: Who Will Reach $1 First In 2023?

Акие Инфинити

Similar to Pokémon, Axie is the focal point of the Акие Инфинити online game universe. The design of the Ethereum-based game rewards players for mastering virtual assets while encouraging players to manage their own.

Metaverse Tokens: Axie Infinity
Извор: Цоинмаркетцап

Цена Акие Инфинити-а у време писања је 12.15 долара, са тржишном капитализацијом од 1.2 милијарде долара и 24-часовним обимом трговања смањеним за 30%. Сада износи 202 милиона долара. У исто време, опскрба у оптицају је приближно 100,407,074 АКСС према ЦоинМаркетЦап-у за праћење крипто тржишта.


A play-to-earn game powered by Ethereum is called кутија с песком. Sandbox also incorporates Дефу, NFTs, and blockchain into a 3D metaverse. Thanks to this game, blockchain is now widely used in the индустрија игара. One of the best metaverse tokens to buy is the sandbox.

Извор: Цоинмаркетцап

The Sandbox’s price at the time of writing is $0.7652, with a market capitalization of $ 1.1 B and a 24-hour trading volume up by 7%. Now it stands at $198.6 million. At the same time, the circulating supply is approximately 1,499,470,108 SAND as per the crypto market tracker CoinMarketCap.

Тхета Нетворк

Theta Network is a decentralized video delivery network that offers a variety of blockchain-enabled fixes for the issues that the conventional video-streaming industry is currently experiencing. Compared to traditional service providers, the platform offers streaming high-quality video at a more affordable price. However, experts say that Theta Network is one of the best metaverse tokens to invest in.

Тхета Нетворк
Извор: Цоинмаркетцап

Theta Network’s price at the time of writing is $1.12, with a market capitalization of $ 1.1 B and a 24-hour trading volume up by 205%. Now it stands at $110.8 million. At the same time, the circulating supply is approximately 1,000,000,000 THETA as per the crypto market tracker CoinMarketCap.

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Такође читајте: Објасните земљу сунцокрета: како верификујете земљу сунцокрета?

ЦоинГапе се састоји од искусног тима домаћих писаца садржаја и уредника који раде даноноћно како би покривали вести широм света и представили вести као чињеницу, а не као мишљење. ЦоинГапе писци и новинари допринели су овом чланку.

Представљени садржај може садржати лично мишљење аутора и подложан је тржишним условима. Истражите тржиште пре него што инвестирате у крипто валуте. Аутор или публикација не сноси никакву одговорност за ваш лични финансијски губитак.

Source: https://coingape.com/top-5-metaverse-tokens-to-watch-out-this-week/