Сигнатуре Банк истражена због прања новца пре смрти: Извештај

The cryptocurrency-friendly Signature Bank was reportedly being investigated by two United States government bodies prior to its collapse.

According to a March 15 Bloomberg report citing people familiar with the matter, investigators with the Justice Department were examining whether Signature took adequate measures to detect potential money laundering by its clients.

It was noted the regulator was particularly concerned as to whether the bank was taking preemptive measures to monitor transactions for “signs of criminality” and properly vetting account holders.

A separate probe by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was also “taking a look” at the bank according to two anonymous sources. Details regarding the nature of the SEC’s probe were not reported.

Нејасно је када су истраге почеле и какав су ефекат, ако их има, имале на недавну одлуку регулатора државе Њујорк да затворе банку.

It’s reported Signature and its staff are not accused of wrongdoing and the investigations may be finalized without any charges or further action taken by the SEC or the Department of Justice.

Ово је прича у развоју, а додатне информације ће бити додане како буду доступне.